Drought Services

Drought services from Cañada Tree Care can provide your lawn and trees with a sufficient amount of water to keep them hydrated.
We employ a watering service that reaches the root of your plants, ensuring they can survive even during periods of drought.
The signs of drought in trees are often subtle, taking up to three years to show their full effects of drought damage.
During a drought season, it’s crucial to address the prolonged lack of water, which can significantly reduce the lifespan of your trees and other plants on your lawn or property.
Cañada Tree Care offers drought services to combat extreme soil dryness. Our professionals are specialists with several years of experience in keeping our clients’ lawns healthy, even during extreme drought conditions.
We’ve implemented treatments to aid drought-stressed lawns.
Staying on Track
The grass in your lawn or property will wilt due to a lack of water. Tree leaves will also wilt when they no longer have water to “consume.”
It’s advisable to water your trees, plants, and lawn up to three times a week before sunrise. While it’s okay to water at night, it increases the likelihood of plants attracting diseases and pests.
Additionally, mulching and leaving clippings behind ensures that the nutrients from the clippings return to the soil.
Our drought services will provide you with future plans to safeguard your property’s grass, plants, and trees from suffering again.
We will cultivate deep-rooted plants that can withstand extreme dry conditions. Dense turfgrass is considered one of the best and most efficient defenses against drought damage.
Our staff will conduct regular inspections of your property to ensure that the soil and lawn receive the necessary nutrients and remain unaffected by drought stress.
Our drought services will also include tree pruning. Pruning your trees is one way to improve their structure and strength, enabling them to resist drought damage.
For safe and professional pruning jobs, please contact us for tree pruning assistance. We will send our trained arborist to help you with your tree pruning needs.
Cañada Tree Care’s drought services ensure the health of your trees and plants while keeping them pest-free. Insects and diseases can add stress during drought, and treating them appropriately can reduce this stress.
For more information about our drought services, please call us at (818) 400-1241.