Onsite Tub Grinder
Equipment Rentals
Cañada Tree Care offers tub grinder rental. Our tub grinders are designed with innovative features to provide high production output, making them suitable for both large and small jobs. We offer our rental services throughout La Cañada.
Tub Grinder – Vermeer TG 5000
Our tub grinder, the Vermeer TG 5000, is designed with innovative features to give you the power and high-production output needed to tackle the most demanding grinding operations.
Rental Rates
– Daily: $3,000.00
– Weekly: $12,000.00
– Monthly: $45,000.00
Please note that these prices do not include fuel costs, transportation, or setup. To find out more about our tub grinder rental or to reserve the equipment, please contact Jesse at (818) 400-1241