The exterior of a commercial property is too often overlooked as an opportunity to enhance brand image. Trees can play a vital role. Commercial properties often boast a diverse range of trees that play crucial roles in enhancing aesthetics, promoting sustainability, and fostering environmental wellbeing. However, ensuring the health and vitality of these trees demands meticulous care and attention. With this in mind, here are some of the most common mistakes that should be avoided surrounding planted trees on commercial properties from a trusted Canada Tree Service

La Cañada Tree Service Reveals Top 5 Commercial Property Tree Mistakes

  • Bad Pruning Practices

Pruning is essential for maintaining tree health and structure, but improper techniques can inflict irreparable damage. Topping, leaving stubs, or over pruning can compromise the tree’s natural form, weaken its structure, and invite pests and diseases. Employing trained arborists who adhere to industry best practices ensures proper pruning techniques are employed, preserving the tree’s integrity while promoting optimal growth.

  • Planting Depth Dilemma

Incorrect planting depth can suffocate tree roots and impede growth. When trees are buried too deeply, their roots struggle to access oxygen, resulting in reduced vigor and susceptibility to diseases. To prevent this, adhere to recommended planting depths, ensuring that the root flare remains visible at ground level. This practice fosters healthy root development and overall tree resilience.

  • Mulching Missteps

While mulch offers numerous benefits, excessive application or improper placement can harm trees. The common practice of volcano mulching, where mulch is piled against the tree trunk, creates an environment conducive to pests, diseases, and root decay. To avoid this, maintain a proper mulch ring around the base of the tree, keeping it several inches away from the trunk. This promotes moisture retention, weed suppression, and soil insulation while safeguarding tree health.

  • Machinery Mishaps

Construction and landscaping activities on commercial properties often involve heavy machinery that poses risks to nearby trees. Compacted soil, root damage, and mechanical wounds are common consequences of machinery operation in close proximity to trees. Establishing protected zones around trees and communicating preservation protocols with contractors are crucial steps in mitigating these risks and preserving tree health during property development projects.

Canada Tree Service

  • Irrigation Woes

Proper irrigation is essential for sustaining tree health, yet overwatering or underwatering can have detrimental effects. Insufficient watering leads to drought stress and diminished vitality, while excessive moisture promotes root rot and fungal diseases. Implementing a tailored irrigation schedule based on the tree’s water needs, soil conditions, and weather patterns ensures optimal hydration while minimizing water wastage and promoting healthy root growth.

If you think that you would like to employ a professional La Canada tree service to rectify or avoid the above mistakes on your commercial property, then don’t hesitate to opt for the best in the business at Cañada Tree Care. Get in touch with one of our experienced team members and they will be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have relating to your trees and garden. We very much look forward to hearing from you, and to being able to assist in any way that we can!